
Purvciems, 02.09.2007<br>Source: en.wikipedia.org, user: Levg79

There was situated a Hausmaņa swamp on the territory of today's Purvciems, that's why buildings of this Riga district are not very is not old. The name of the area - Purvciems - appeared only in the late 19th century. In 1828 the Grīziņš manor house and the Putnu manor house which were located on the territory of present Purvciems were included part of Riga. The rest of the Purvciems was included only in the 30s of the 20th century. At the same time the plan of the area was developed, formed a new network of streets and began an intensive building of one-story houses.

However, the turning point in the development of Purvciems was after the Second World War, when in 1964 was designed the detailed development plan and started the construction of a five-storey brick residential houses and public buildings. Intensive construction of Purvciems continued in the 1970s-1980s of the 20th century, when were constructed high-rise apartment buildings. House of monolithic reinforced concrete, also called as "ear of corn", was built in Purvciems in this time too. There is also "Kremlin wall" in Purvciems - this house was built specially for the employees of the State Security Committee. The House has some similarities to the Kremlin wall in Moscow.

There was also presented the pride of the Soviet era - trade centre "Minsk" and "House Furniture" that is built to show concern about consumers. In reality, the shelves often were empty.